Hate her or love her, Lindsay Lohan is back in the spotlight with her self-titled docu-series, “Lindsay”,which premiered on March 9. The docu-series made its debut on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network, focusing on the 27-year old actress trying to get her life together after getting out of rehab. The premiere pulled in close to 700,000 viewers with many unsure of what to think about the reality show.
The premiere started off with footage from an interview Lohan did with Oprah last year. During the interview Lohan admitted that she is addicted to alcohol. In her process of staying sober, Lohan said that she wanted to do a retreat in Europe to help with her sobriety. This waved red flags to Oprah who questions Lohan about whether or not that is the right choice. Now when Oprah says something, it appears everyone listens as Lohan, in the end, winds up canceling her trip to Europe.
Starting a new chapter in her life, Lohan makes some changes, such as moving to New York to be closer to her family. But this move isn’t as easy as Lohan thought it would be as she faces some challenges when trying to find a new apartment. This forces Lohan to live out of a hotel for over a month with the company of paparazzi, who are basically camped outside the hotel, stalking her every move. Between all the madness, Lohan does get a chance to visit her mother, Dina, who lives on Long Island. From unpacking boxes with her mother and finding a shirt with the word “Fetch” on it from her role in the movie “Mean Girls”, to seeing her younger brother, Cody, for the first time out of rehab, it is a sentimental moment showing that Lohan is very close to her family.
Just when things look like they are starting to get on track, they take a turn for the worse with the final moments showing a lot of tears and cigarette smoke from a distraught Lohan. When Lohan agrees to do a lingerie shoot with her friends, who are the producers, things suddenly change when Lohan finds out that dialogue was added to the script. She decides not to do the shoot in the end. Now this is not the only blow up Lohan has as she gets into it with her broker at a fashion show her sister Alana walked for. Lohan felt like she was being taken advantage of by realtors because of who she is. I guess from all the stress of being Lindsay Lohan, this sends the actress into a state of frenzy as she demands that her hotel room be changed to another one that same night.
Now if that doesn’t seem interesting enough to you, just wait as there is more to come in the next couple of episodes. From the actress not showing up to appearances, to an intense conversation with her infamous dad, to having a counseling session with Oprah, nothing is off limits in the life of Lindsay Lohan.
The docu-series airs on OWN every Sunday night at 10 p.m.