After ten months, the next installment of “Demon Slayer” has finally arrived, living up to the excitement surrounding the anime. Following a successful first season and subsequent movie – the highest-grossing film of 2020 after its release in Japan last October – the second season has brought viewers a high-energy first episode. Bringing new characters to the screen as well as developing the original characters, “Demon Slayer” (or its Japanese name, “Kimetsu no Yaiba”) reinforces its themes of comradery and dedication, leaving fans at the edge of their seats.
The plot of the series revolves around protagonist Tanjiro, seeking revenge against the demons who killed his family and turned his sister into a demon. The show will undoubtedly use Tanjiro’s kindness and determination as its focal point, which is once again shown in the newest episode when telling a fallen comrade’s final words to his family.
While fan-favorite characters Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko, and the other two main characters Inosuke and Zenitsu who are loved by money, were certainly as entertaining as ever, it is a new character that stole all the viewers’ attention: Tengen Uzui. A flashy, loud man who finds pride in his flamboyant persona, Tengen is one of the nine hashira, among the strongest demon slayers. Our first interaction with Tengen shows him as a forceful man who demands perfection from his fellow demon slayers with extreme intensity.
The last installment of the series came in a movie, “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train,” simplified by fans to “the Mugen Train Arc.” The movie is part of the official canon of the story, making it a necessary watch before beginning the second season. The first episode picks up immediately following the film, with the three main characters recovering from an emotionally traumatizing and physically grueling battle with a powerful demon.
Season two of “Demon Slayer” holds the possibility of surpassing the first season’s success, as the groundworks for the plot have already been laid. At this point in the series, viewers understand the purpose of the show, and can now get into the exciting and intense moments that are undoubtedly coming. If the anime continues on its current path and follows its manga closely, the story’s well-developed characters and plot line will have fans counting down the days until its next episode.
Those who are unfamiliar with Demon Slayer can find the 26 episodes in season one on streaming networks like Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll and Funimation. The Mugen Train Arc and the second season of Demon Slayer can be found on Crunchyroll, a top-streaming anime service in the United States. It is currently updated every Sunday.