St. John’s will phase out its Staten Island campus, citing “significant enrollment challenges” as the cause of the decision, the University announced on August 12. The University shared the announcement in a five-slide Instagram post that provided additional information on how the decision will affect students and their families, along with a statement from University President Brian J. Shanley.
In his statement, Shanley affirmed the decision, sharing that his “unwavering goal is to ensure that St. John’s brings its mission forward within a very changed and competitive higher education environment…”
The Instagram post included the University’s plans for the campus’ phasing-out.
“We plan for a process that will last two more academic years, culminating at the end of the Spring 2024 semester,” the post said. “This two-year period will enable juniors, seniors, and graduate students to complete their degrees in Staten Island and without issue.”
The University will begin the process by not admitting a new first-year class to the campus in Fall 2023, and will implement a “teach-out” in order for students to complete their programs with little impact. For current first-year and sophomore students, the University will provide “individual degree completion plans,” which may include “additional financial assistance to complete their programs at the Queens, NY, campus.
In addition, the statement announced an endowed scholarship supporting Staten Island residents who wish to enroll at the Queens campus.
In the coming months, the University said it will hold information sessions for students and families to share details of the phase-out and provide a space for dialogue.
More coverage to follow.