St. John’s University’s Department of Public Safety released its Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. The data shows all criminal offenses on the University’s Queens, Staten Island and Manhattan campus, including its Long Island, Paris, Limerick and Rome locations.
The University has seen zero reported crimes on the Manhattan, Staten Island, Long Island, Paris and Limerick locations from 2020 to 2022. The Rome campus saw two total offenses in 2022, both of which being drug law violations within the residence halls. Queens campus saw a total of 162 reported criminal offenses, a slight rise from 2021’s 158.
Here is a full list of criminal offenses and fire incidents reported on St. John’s Univerity’s Queens campus.
Drug, Alcohol and Illegal Weapon Violations
Recording the highest number of offenses compared to all the categories on the report, “Referred for Disciplinary Action” includes drug, liquor and illegal weapon violations, all seeing a total of 140 on-campus violations combined, most of which occurred in the residence halls.
Out of the 97 drug law violations recorded in 2022, 92 were found in the residence halls. All 40 liquor violations and three illegal weapon violations occurred within the residence halls. The report shows that one out of the three illegal weapon violations was arrested. No arrests were listed for drug and liquor violations in 2022.
The overall number of violations that were referred for disciplinary action is a slight decrease from 2021’s 143 recorded violations.
Sex Offenses
Three cases of each rape and and three cases fondling were reported on campus last year, one of the rape cases and two of the fondling cases occurring within the residence halls. This equals a total of six sex offenses reported on campus in 2022.
The number of on-campus sex offenses saw a year-to-year increase. In 2020, Queen’s campus had three reported in-campus sex offenses and in 2021, one sex offense was reported.
Stalking, Domestic Violence and Dating Violence
On the Queens campus, three dating violence, one domestic violence and three stalking incidents were reported in 2022. All of the dating violence incidents and two of the stalking incidents in 2022 occurred within the Queens campus residence halls.
The seven total incidents are the highest number of incidents seen since 2020, with four cases reported in 2021 — two dating violence and two stalking incidents — and three stalking incidents reported in 2020.
Other Criminal Offenses
Including robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft and arson, eight cases were reported on campus last year — six burglaries, one motor vehicle theft and one aggravated assault. Additionally, three were reported on public property — two robberies and one aggravated assault.
The on-campus offenses saw an increase from 2021’s report, seeing three offenses overall — one aggravated assault, one burglary and one motor vehicle theft. None of the five offenses were reported in 2020 on campus.
Fire Reports
Three fires were reported in 2022 on the Queens campus, one of which is listed in Donovan Hall under the cause of “Machinery Industrial.” The incident resulted in $99 worth of damaged property. Another fire was recorded in Century Hall, due to the same cause as Donovan’s and also resulting in $99 worth of damaged property. The last incident occurred in Henley Hall, caused by a cooking incident. No property was damaged.
The recorded fire incidents decreased from 2021’s five incidents — one in Donovan, one in Hollis and three in Henley. The value in damages also decreased, with a total of $3388.36 in damages recorded in 2021.
The full St. John’s 2023 Security and Fire Safety Report can be viewed on the University’s website.