If each of us were to look back in our family tree, most of us wouldn’t have to look back that far to have a family member that was an immigrant who came to this country. We are a nation of immigrants. It is a part of the fabric of America.
However, immigration has become a hot button issue, specifically the policy of immigration and dealing with illegal immigration.
President Obama promised to take on immigration within his first year in office. Well…we’re still waiting Mr. President. Obama has failed to address the flaws and issues with our immigration system and he has failed to address illegal immigration.
We need an immigration reform and a plan that strengthens our economy, addresses the problem of illegal immigration and ensures our security as a nation.
1.) Strengthen Our Economy – People want to come to America. They want to do business here. They want to live and work here. They just have trouble getting here.
I work in the office of a Member of Congress. I see firsthand when people come to our office for help with the struggles they are having trying to bring their family members to America. They want to come to America. This is the land of opportunity.
The process shouldn’t be so complicated. They’re the ones trying to come here legally. We shouldn’t make it harder for them to try. Many of these people have entrepreneurial spirit. They want to start businesses. Some have advanced degrees. We can attract these people and enable them to stay and work here to help our economy.
The same goes for students who come here. They study here at our
universities and earn degrees and then return to their countries. Our policy should be to have those people here to work, nnovate and grow our technology and economy.
2.) Address The Issue of Illegal Immigration. What is there not to understand about illegal immigration? Illegal is right in its name. Webster Dictionary defines illegal as, “not according to or authorized by law”.
That seems pretty simple. Illegal immigration is breaking the law. It should not be tolerated. People all over the world are waiting to come to America. They are waiting in line and trying to come legally. Those who are illegal should not be
rewarded. They should not be given citizenship and amnesty. They broke the law.
We must not make it ok that they did that. It is impractical to kick so many people out of the country, therefore some, such as those who are in school or have graduated from school, should have a means toward legality but it should entail some form of service to this country. But those who break the law here in America should not be treated so kindly. Prosecute them or send them back home. And of course, enforce the laws that already exist.
3.) Secure The Border – Our southern border covers many states. This is a huge area of vulnerability for America.
According to the Government Accountability Office, our Border Patrol lacks control of over half of the southwest border. This is completely unacceptable.
People just come into America illegally while others are waiting to come legally. The federal government has done so little to address this that states like Arizona have taken it upon themselves to enforce the law and create measures to fight illegal immigration. They’re crying out for the government to do something.
The government should do something. Secure the border with effective levels of border patrol. Build more fences and walls in areas necessary. And allow the states to enforce the laws.
Immigration reform is something that needs to be addressed and it needs to be addressed now.
Gregory Mitchell is a junior and the president of the College Republicans