What a year. It is time for the 99th E-board to log off after this newsletter and come together to choose the centennial E-board. To be a part of such a long-standing establishment and become a part of its distinguished alum network is an honor. The 10 members of the 99th E-board who are either graduating or carving themselves a new path, are excited to see what the next group of writers has to bring to The Torch and its readers.
This was the second year that The Torch remained completely digital, after making the difficult decision to postpone printing due to the pandemic and financial burdens. We are proud to say that we have raised more than enough money this past year to reduce our printing debt to the single digits. There is still more work in the fundraising aspect of The Torch, but with the new guidelines allowing gatherings to occur and students to roam around maskless, we are sure the new E-board will flourish amongst the lively school spirit, and perhaps even be able to resume the weekly prints.
We were able to put together two complete digital issues during the fall semester, to mimic our production nights with print issues. Over the course of two weeks, all of our section editors came together to curate their pages and our Design Editor, Chloe Fecci, put together a spectacular front cover page as usual. The September 2021 and October 2021 issues can be accessed on issuu.com along with our pre-pandemic prints.
This E-board also jumped to action for breaking news around campus surrounding COVID-19 guidelines. From the distribution of Pfizer vaccines on campus last year to the mask mandate lift this month, The Torch strived to provide timely news to readers and we delivered.
Although the 100th E-board will be releasing the next newsletter of the semester, the 99th is still here to help make the fifth annual alumni panel a success. After a two-year virtual run, we are hosting a hybrid panel-networking event to address the challenges of being a journalist in this media dominated landscape and the future of the field. Students, faculty and alum are encouraged to attend to broaden their networks and share advice. Be sure to RSVP for the April 19th panel at 6 p.m. in DAC 128.
With The Torch elections around the corner, the 99th E-board’s final goodbyes are under way too. We are excited to pass on the torch to the eager new e-board, whoever they are, and their future endeavors. There are a number of obstacles and questions waiting ahead for the 100th E-Board––including recruiting, raising funds and printing publications––but it is nothing they will not be equipped to handle. Here’s to the 100th year of The Torch. May the odds be ever in your favor.