China is on the other side of the world from us in Queens, but the entire United States was certainly able to see them clearly, as we watched them launch their first manned space flight. The world should be aware that the newest member of the World Trade Organization is also the newest member of the world space organization.
Not only did China have the chance to prove themselves as an emerging world super-power, but also when they joined the World Trade Organization, they showed that they are just as powerful as the United States and Russia in the economic realm. Though China has taken a more capitalistic approach to their economy, the United States has only recently recognized the communist Chinese government, after decades of associating only with the democratic Taiwanese government.
Even though China has been a very big part of foreign relations throughout all of the 20th century, the very fact that a nation is now capable of space exploration makes them a substantial international player. China could be putting a man on the moon within 10 years. The United States should be aware that the Chinese government is willing to invest in their next space mission to merely put a man on the moon and possibly setup a space station.
The Chinese government is already talking about sending two or three men into orbit within the next two or three years.
If they could get this done, then how could they not be recognized as a world super-power? The United States should keep a watchful eye on that country over the Pacific, because with problems arising with the North Koreans, terrorism spreading throughout Southeast Asia and much of the world, could it be that the United States could find an ally in the communists of China?
The Chinese economy is starting to turn away from their traditional communism and moving towards a capitalist system. If North Korea keeps posing threats with their nuclear arms, we might need the strong Chinese military for support in the region.
As the New York Times stated in an Oct, 26 article: "China now maintains close economic ties with South Korea, but it has longstanding links to the North and great leverage on it. The largest supplier of food and oil to North Korea, China flexed its muscle earlier this year by briefly cutting off the oil."
China is unsatisfied with Kim Jong II, who has refused to go by the economic plan outlined by Beijing. Recently, afraid that destitute North Koreans will try and cross the border, China has placed 150,000 soldiers along the northeastern boundary. Due to this difference in economic ideology, China will play a huge part in the future of international politics in a way that will surely affect the United States.