As you read this issue of The Torch, people all across theUnited States are considering uprooting their lives and moving to atimid suburb of New Hampshire. Neither gold nor oil has been foundthere, yet Americans from across the country are beginningmigrations from their home states to this promised land of sorts.Upon arriving in Nowhereville, New Hampshire, these politicalpioneers plan to start an overzealous movement of politicalchange.
Although this “Free State Project” or FSP, as it is fondlycalled, hopes to mobilize a minimum of 20,000 people, the ideals atits core are nothing short of absurd.
Although the web site ( organizing thisexodus lists it as one open to everyone with hopes to “cut the sizeand scope of government by about two-thirds or more,” it is largelya movement of the Libertarian Party. As expressed by this upstartpolitical movement, this party is one with seemingly extraordinaryideals of individual liberties, a free market economy, and aforeign policy of peace, non-intervention, and free trade. Althoughthat may seem all well and good at face value, the true goal ofthis movement is much more unattainable and unrealistic.
Approximately 5,000 people have already pledged their allegianceto this project and will begin moving, focused largely in the smalltown of Keene, New Hampshire. Although nine other states, includingAlaska, Idaho, Wyoming, and the Dakotas, were in competition to bethe political playground, New Hampshire was selected after monthsof debate because of its low population and a multitude of other”political, economic, and cultural advantages.”
Once there, these Libertarian lemmings plan to supportcandidates in various local elections, thus beginning a drasticpolitical upstart. Their “beneficial” policies include the removalof gun control laws, elimination of income taxes and regulatoryagencies and the repeal of most drug laws.
Their ideals would create an overabundance of disillusioneddebauchery led by a government designed not to govern.
It is safe to say that such a migration of common beliefs is notcompletely unrealistic, as without such type of movement, Utahprobably would not exist as the Mormonized state it is today.However, it seems that in this modern day, such an extreme set ofideals is unrealistic even in our free country. To attempt torepeal drug laws and eliminate gun control laws is enough to havestiff conservatives, and even the likes of George Washington andThomas Jefferson, turning over in their graves. When the FoundingFathers of this country introduced the ideas of liberty andfreedom, they never mentioned turning the state of New Hampshireinto the American equivalent of Amsterdam.
If this Free State Project does manage to garner the necessarysupport and there is a mass exodus to the state of New Hampshire,the project will have yet to succeed. Just as the television talentshow American Idol would have been a failure without creating alegitimate recording artist, the Free State Project is pointlessunless it can accomplish the reduction of government. Simplystated, tossing 20,000 activists into a state proves nothingwithout the desired results.
All in all, it will be interesting to see how this plays out, asthe immigration of Libertarian zealots into New Hampshire may causethe more conservative citizens to flee and find solaceelsewhere.
In the near future, it will probably become obvious as towhether this political movement will gain support or fizzle intoobscurity like some of its predecessors. If the Libertarians docomplete their invasion of New Hampshire and manage to transplant20,000 activists, it would at least be highly entertaining. If theLibertarians have their way and this occurs, the debacle that wasthe California Recall would look like a perfect exercise inAmerican politics.