In the second half of each semester, as students register for next semester’s classes, St John’s students need to become more aware of their University requirements. Year after year, students are misinformed by their advisors in regards to their credits, and most importantly, graduation.
In order for students to register for classes, they must be advised by an advisor or a dean. This sounds like a useful process, especially for many students that have no clue as to how to register and what to register for. Many students have grown dependent on the advisement system, in which they rely solely on the advice of their advisor.
While this may work for some, the advisement system has become a devil in disguise for many.
“It is extremely outrageous that the University expects students to graduate on time, but yet does not give you the proper resources to do so,” junior Tameka Glen said.
Senior Linda Sanonalso also fell victim to the inefficiencies of the advisement system.
“I went for advisement last semester and I asked my advisor if I could take a certain class to fulfill my requirement,” Sanonalso said. “He said ‘yes.’ Halfway through the course, it was time for advisement again and he told me that the course I was taking was not going to count and that there was nothing he could do about it, so I had to go to the head of the department.”
These instances are all too familiar to St. John’s students. St. John’s is known for having “unofficial” five year programs, the kind that only get you an undergraduate degree. Terms like “super senior” or “super super senior” float around this campus daily. Although many of us joke about these issues, it really is not funny and something needs to be done.
How is it that the advisors, the people who are supposed to help us, are up making matters worse? Why is it that they can give students wrong information and not be held accountable? An advisor is expected to know the student requirements inside and out. Is it too much to ask for them to do their jobs well?
Yes, there are many advisors here on campus that do take pride in their jobs and perform them well, but the University needs to do something about the advisors who are misinforming the students and sending them on the wrong path.
Is it fair that a student who is told that they are on track to graduate on time is sent a letter one month prior to graduation stating that they are somehow short three credits?
To make matters worse, many have to come back for an entire semester for one class because it is not offered in the summer. Instead of saying there is nothing they can do about it, they should try and rectify the situation.
How is it the students fault when they are told that everything “looks good?”
The University needs to find a solution to this ongoing problem. In the meantime, students need to take a more active role in their futures.
Senior Rukaya Ali said, “I have heard the horror stories around campus, so I realized early that I had to know the information myself.”
Even though the University needs to be held accountable, we need to take our matters into our own hands. Save yourself from being the next victim.
Or better yet, after this season of “advisement,” make sure to contact your department chair if there are any advisory mishaps.