Second Place, General Excellence in New York state for the New York Press Association’s Better College Newspaper Competition.
First Place, Column Writingin New York state, awarded to Stephen Pasqualina in the New York Press Association’s Better College Newspaper Competition.
First Place, Designin New York state for the New York Press Association’s Better College Newspaper Competition.
Second Place, Best Sports Coveragein New York state for the New York Press Association’s Better College Newspaper Competition.
Most Outstanding University Newspaper (circulation of 2500+)scoring 970 points out of a possible 1000. Awarded by the American Scholastic Press Association for 2005-2006.
First Place with Special MeritAwarded by the American Scholastic Press Association for 2005-2006.
Outstanding Overall Sports CoverageAwarded by the American Scholastic Press Association for 2005-2006, with specific reference to the Nov. 16, 2005 sports section.